Sunday, April 15, 2012

Looks matter. Let us help

Alright, summer is coming up fast and you know what that means... Time to go to the beach!  If you want to get in shape to look good at the beach here's a site with all kinds of workouts-

This one is for the ladies….and also the guys!

So, you are having trouble finding “the one” or at least someone you are interested in? Well, the problem may be that your standards are too high. Yeah, you want to be attracted to a person and find common ground, but you should probably stick to your “league”. Okay, so you still want to date the “Rock Star” or the Professional Athlete? Well, there are a lot of people who want to go out with this type, but there are only so many Justin Timberlake’s or other hot celebrities to go around. Don’t overlook the cute guy or girl you sit next to in class or see walk down the hallway just because they aren’t famous or super rich. You can be happy with someone other than the person you have posters all over your room of. Try to find someone that you share common interests with or that you could actually see yourself dating. Yes, it’s fun to daydream about dating your favorite celebrity, but when it comes to your real dating life, have your sights set on someone you could actual come into contact with!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to ask a girl out in 3 easy steps.

Alright Ladies and Gents, 
The time has come. You've met the girl, maybe in a class, maybe through a friend; Regardless of the situation, you know the person, but not very well, yet you think that you could see yourself in a relationship with this person. This is the perfect time to decide whether or not you want to go into the friend-zone or the dating scene.
So here we go:

Step 1: Identify your feelings towards the person and establish your intent.
This basically means do you want to be in a relationship boyfriend girlfriend thing, or do you just want a friend to go to the movies with and dance with at clubs. As for establishing intent, the question here is how far do you want to go with this relationship aka when you start dating do you want it to be inclusive, are you looking at a long term relationship or just going with the flow?

Step 2: Do some investigating and find out what's in common, then choose a few places to go on a date.
This is important because, although you don't have to already know where you want to go when you ask, it's best to have some suggestions (be sure to be open to her suggestions too). But wherever you go, make it somewhere both of you would enjoy, for instance, if you are both active people then try an amusement park. If you're into art, try a art gallery. If you would rather sit down and talk maybe go to a nice restaurant.

Step 3: Ask them out.

This is easy, approach the person and then ask them out. Seriously just say, "how would you like to go out on a date." or "I'd love to take you out on a date sometime."  What's acceptable: in person or on the phone, seriously no text messaging, or instant messaging or any other virtual communication. Stay classy, keep it real on the phone or in person.

Go on your date and be awesome.

The end